Openrct2 custom content
Openrct2 custom content

openrct2 custom content

Find openrct2.d.ts TypeScript API declaration file in OpenRCT2 files and copy it to lib folder (this file can usually be found in C:/Users//Documents/OpenRCT2/bin/ or C:/Program Files/OpenRCT2/).Open command prompt, use cd to change your current directory to the root folder of this project and run npm install.Clone the project to a location of your choice on your PC.Install latest version of Node and make sure to include NPM in the installation options.This project is based on wisnia74's Typescript modding template and uses Nodemon, ESLint and TypeScript from this template. Once the file is there, it should show up ingame in the dropdown menu under the map icon.If you already had this plugin installed before, you can safely overwrite the old file.Otherwise this folder is commonly found in C:/Users//Documents/OpenRCT2/plugin on Windows.Easiest way to find the OpenRCT2-folder is by launching the OpenRCT2 game, click and hold on the red toolbox in the main menu, and select "Open custom content folder".To install it, put the downloaded *.js file into your /OpenRCT2/plugin folder.Download the latest version of the plugin from the Releases page.Thanks to Darkoro and Manticore from the DKMP server for explaining proxy pathing. The newest version also supports smoothing the edges and preserving any placed footpath additions (like benches and lamps).

openrct2 custom content

Since making these double layered proxy paths can be quite tedious, this plugin does it for you by converting all the paths in the specified area to said proxy paths with a simple drag of the mouse. They always use the lowest path in the tile element list. If you then hide this guide path and cover it with another path object via the Tile Inspector, guests will be none the wiser and they will still follow the original path under it. These paths will guide the guests along your preferred routes without having the game turn it into wide paths (which are mostly ignored by guests). In short to make it look like your guests are using the full width of the path, you can create so called 'guide paths'. This plugin lets you quickly cover guide paths with full paths without changing the guests pathfinding.

Openrct2 custom content